Monday, December 5, 2016

Crisp Winter Morning

It had been years since I last wore my hair curly! But I've been seing so many gorgeous girls rocking their perfect curls that I just felt like it was the perfect time to try giving my hair some rest. Still figuring out how to take perfect care of them and make them look it's best but I'll definitely be playing with this style for a little longer!

Há anos que não usava o meu cabelo com os caracóis naturais! Mas tenho visto tantas miúdas tão bonitas com o cabelo naturalmente encaracolado que não pude resistir a deixar o meu descansar de todos os brushings. Ainda estou a tentar perceber como cuidar bem dos caracóis para que fiquem com definição e volume máximos mas usar o cabelo natural passou definitivamente a ser uma opção!

Asos dress (find it HERE). Burberry jacket (similar HERE). Zara bag. Chanel ballerinas (love THESE) and earrings. Vintage faux fur (also love THIS ONE). 


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